広瀬 雅人




2年次生対象 | 無脊椎動物学(必修) | |
海洋生命科学実験Ⅰ(必修:分担) | ||
海洋実習(選択必修:分担) | ||
3年次生対象 | 環境修復論(選択:分担) | |
科学英語ⅡB(必修:分担) | ||
4年次生対象 | 海洋生命科学演習(必修) | |
卒業論文(必修) | ||
その他 | 博物館実習Ⅰ?Ⅱ(選択:分担) | |
体験実習 | 他大学の練習船に乗船し,沖合の底生生物の採集調査手法を学びます | |
海洋生命科学特別講義I(大学院、分担、隔年) | ||
水圏生物情報学特論(大学院、分担、隔年) | ||
出張講義「コケムシの知られざる魅力に迫る~くっつく動物の生物学」 |
- 2010年 北海道大学大学院理学院自然史科学専攻 博士後期課程修了 博士(理学)
- 2010年 北海道大学大学院理学研究院 理学研究院専門研究員
- 2011年 国立科学博物館動物研究部 日本学術振興会特別研究員PD
- 2012年 東京大学大気海洋研究所 特任助教(東北マリンサイエンス拠点形成事業)
- 2017年 博狗体育在线_狗博体育直播【官方授权网站】@海洋生命科学部 助教
- 2020年 博狗体育在线_狗博体育直播【官方授权网站】@海洋生命科学部 講師
- Hirose, M. and Endo, K. (2021) Phylum Brachiopoda. In: Schierwater B. and DeSalle R. (eds) Textbook: Invertebrate Zoology - A Tree of Life Approach. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 329-340.
- 加戸隆介, 奥村誠一, 広瀬雅人, 三宅裕志(2021)三陸の海の無脊椎動物,恒星社厚生閣,278 pp.
- 広瀬雅人(2021) 『紐形動物?苔虫動物ほか ヒモムシ、コケムシなどのなかま』 ,「小学館の図鑑NEO 深海生物 DVDつき」 藤原義弘(監)(分担?指導執筆),株式会社小学館, p. 166-167.
- 広瀬雅人(2020) 『苔虫動物門』 ,「動物の事典」 末光 隆志(総編集)(分担執筆),朝倉書店
- 広瀬雅人(2018) 『腕足?箒虫?苔虫動物』 ,「動物学の百科事典」公益社団法人日本動物学会 (編) (分担執筆),丸善出版株式会社, p. 70–71.
- 広瀬雅人(2017)『第6章 コケムシ類』 ,「新?付着生物研究法 ー主要な付着生物の種類査定ー」日本付着生物学会 編 (分担執筆), 株式会社恒星社厚生閣, p. 103–141.
- Decker SH, Saadi AJ, Baranyi C, Hirose M, Lemer S, Sombke A, Aguilera F, Vieira LM, Smith AM, Waeschenbach A, Schwaha T. (2024) Boring systematics: A genome skimmed phylogeny of ctenostome bryozoans and their endolithic family Penetrantiidae with the
description of one new species. Ecology and Evolution, 2024;14:e11276. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.11276
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ece3.11276 - Schwaha T, Hirose M, Wood TS (2024) Morphology of ctenostome bryozoans: 7. Hislopia, Echinella and Timwoodiellina. Journal of Morphology 285(2) DOI: 10.1002/jmor.21678 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jmor.21678
- Masato Hirose and Sota Kaneko (2023) Bryozoan dispersal using pumice rafting generated by the submarine eruption in the Ogasawara, Japan. In: M.M. Key, Jr., J.S. Porter and P.N. Wyse Jackson (eds). Bryozoan Studies 2022. CRC Press/Balkema, Boca Raton/Abingdon, pp. 41–46.
- Chihiro Kubo and Masato Hirose (2023) Revision of Japanese Watersipora based on microscopic morphology and molecular data. In: M.M. Key, Jr., J.S. Porter and P.N. Wyse Jackson (eds). Bryozoan Studies 2022. CRC Press/Balkema, Boca Raton/Abingdon, pp. 65–73.
- Sebastian H. Decker, Masato Hirose, Sarah Lemer, Piotr Kuklinski, Hamish G. Spencer, Abigail M. Smith & Thomas Schwaha (2023) Boring bryozoans: an investigation into the endolithic bryozoan family Penetrantiidae. Organisms Diversity & Evolution. DOI: 10.1007/s13127-023-00612-z https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13127-023-00612-z
- 豊田(小谷野)有加、広瀬雅人、中野智之、小松浩典、寺田竜太、豊福高志、長井裕季子、今井仁、小山田佑輔、向哲嗣、川口大朗、高峰春夫、港隆一、森英章、三宅裕志(2023)西之島の海洋生物相の速報.小笠原研究 49:113-168.
- Ahmed J. Saadi, Julian Bibermair, Kevin M. Kocot, Nickellaus G. Roberts, Masato Hirose, Andrew Calcino, Christian Baranyi, Ratcha Chaichana, Timothy S. Wood, Thomas Schwaha. (2022) Phylogenomics reveals deep relationships and diversification within phylactolaemate bryozoans. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289 (1986). DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2022.1504 https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/full/10.1098/rspb.2022.1504
- Hirose, M. (2022) New Species of Lower-Shelf to Upper-Slope Ctenostome Bryozoans from Pacific Japan, with a Family Range Extension. Zoological Science, 39(1): 87-98. DOI: 10.2108/zs210106 https://doi.org/10.2108/zs210106
- Nagasawa K and Hirose M (2021) Marine fish parasite Argulus caecus (Crustacea: Branchiura: Argulidae) accidentally collected from a fixed net caught squid in northern Japan. Species Diversity 26: 289-296.
- Yamaguchi, H., Hirose, M., Nakamura, M., Udagawa, S., Oguchi, K., Shinji, J., Kohtsuka, H., and Miura, T. (2021) Developmental Process of a Heterozooid: Avicularium Formation in a Bryozoan, Bugulina californica. Zoological Science, 38 (3): 203-212. DOI: 10.2108/zs200143 https://doi.org/10.2108/zs200143
- Schwaha T.F. and Hirose M. (2020) Morphology of Stephanella hina (Bryozoa, Phylactolaemata): common phylactolaemate and unexpected, unique characters. Zoological Letters, 6, 11. DOI: 10.1186/s40851-020-00165-5 https://zoologicalletters.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40851-020-00165-5
- Hirose M., Gordon D.P. and d’Hondt J-L. (2020) New seriated Amathia species in Japan, with a redescription of A. acervata Lamouroux, 1824 (Bryozoa: Ctenostomata). Zootaxa, 4742(2): 311–331.
- Hirose M., Ide A. and Shirai K. (2020) The growth of Celleporina attenuata estimated based on the oxygen isotopic compositions and microfocus X-ray CT imaging analysis. In: K. Zagorsek and P.W. Jackson (eds) Bryozoan studies 2019. Czech Geological Society, Prague 2019, 69–82.
- Orr RJS, Haugen MN, Berning B, Bock P, Cumming RL, Florence WK, Hirose M, Di Martino E, Ramsfjell MH, Sannum MM, Smith AM, Vieira LM, Waeschenbach A, Liow LH. (2019) A genome-skimmed phylogeny of a widespread bryozoan family, Adeonidae. BMC Evolutionary Biology 19: 235. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12862-019-1563-4
- Hirose M. and Sakai S. (2019) Carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions in lepralioid and umbonuloid frontal shields of two adeonid bryozoans from southwestern Japan. In: R. Schmidt, C.M. Reid, D.P. Gordon, G. Walker-Smith, S. Martin and I. Percival (eds) Bryozoan Studies 2016. Memoirs of the Australasian Association of Palaeontologists, vol. 52, 77–84.
- Grischenko A.V., Hirose M., Schwaha T. and Chernyshev A.V. (2019) First record of an abyssal and hadal bryozoan fauna from the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. Progress in Oceanography 176 (2019), 102130.
- Hirose M. and Kawamura T. (2017) Distribution and seasonality of sessile organisms on settlement panels submerged in Otsuchi Bay. Coastal Marine Science, 40 (2): 66–81.
- Hirose M. (2016) Diversity of Freshwater and Marine Bryozoans in Japan. In: Motokawa M. and Kajihara H. (Eds), Species Diversity of Animals in Japan. 629–649. Springer Japan.
http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-4-431-56432-4 - Schwaha T., Hirose M. and Wanninger A. (2016) The life of the freshwater bryozoan Stephanella hina (Bryozoa, Phylactolaemata) – a crucial key to elucidating bryozoan evolution. Zoological Letters, (2016) 2:25. DOI: 10.1186/s40851-016-0060-5
- Hirose M. (2016) Diversity and distribution of adeonid bryozoans (Cheilostomata: Adeonidae) in Japanese waters. European Journal of Taxonomy, 203: 1–41.
- Hirose M., Fukiage R., Katoh T., and Kajihara H. (2014) Description and molecular phylogeny of a new species of Phoronis (Phoronida) from Japan, with a redescription of topotypes of P. ijimai Oka, 1897. ZooKeys, 398: 1–31.