横山 雄彦
1年次生対象 | ||
2年次生対象 | 分析化学 | |
海洋生命科学実験Ⅰ | ||
3年次生対象 | 科学英語IIA | |
4年次生対象 | 卒業論文 | |
海洋生命科学演習 | ||
その他 |
主な経歴- 2008 博狗体育在线_狗博体育直播【官方授权网站】@海洋生命科学部 専任講師
- 2019(分担執筆/日本語) アマノリ生物学の最前線 三上浩司(Ed.) Global Edit
- 2014(分担執筆/英語)
Seaweeds: Agricultural Uses, Biological and Antioxidant Agents (Eds., Vitor H. Pomin)
Nova Science Publishers, Inc (New York, USA)
Takehiko Yokoyama, Koji Mikami Chapter 7) D-Amino acids and amino acid racemases in seaweeds. pp.135-155 - 2011(分担執筆/英語)
Seaweed: Ecology, Nutrient Composition and Medical Uses (Eds., Vitor H. Pomin)
Nova Science Publishers, Inc (New York, USA)
Koji Mikami, Megumu Takahashi, Ryo Hirata, Takehiko Yokoyama, Misako Taniguchi, Yuko Mori
Chapter 1) Alanine is a Possible Compatible Solute Involved in Cold Acclimation in the Marine Red Alga Porphyra yezoensis. pp.1-14 - 2007(分担執筆/英語)
D-Amino Acids: A New Frontier in Amino Acid and Protein Research-Practical Methods and Protocols-
(Eds., Konno R, Brückner H, D'Aniello A, Fisher GH, Fujii N, Homma H) Nova Science Publishers, Inc (New York, USA)
Eizoh Nagahisa, Takehiko Yokoyama
Section 2. Analytical methods of the detection of D-amino acids
Chapter 2.1- Chromatographic determination of free D- and L-amino acids in marine algae pp.17-23
横山雄彦 第1章 アマノリの基礎知識 2.アマノリ類の遊離アミノ酸と味への貢献 pp.41-53
- 2020 (査読有/日本語)
Algal Resources 2020年度13号/ 特集号(12月発行) - 2019 (査読有/英語)
Masafumi Amano, Noriko Amiya, Takehiko Yokoyama
Immunohistochemical localization of GnRH-immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers in the nerve ganglion of Perinereis aibuhitensis (Annelida: Polychaeta)
Acta Histochemica, 121, 234-239 (2019) - 2018 (査読有/英語)
Hiroki Koyama, Nanami Mizusawa, Masataka Hoashi, Engkong Tan, Ko Yasumoto, Mitsuru Jimbo, Daisuke Ikeda, Takehiko Yokoyama, Shuichi Asakawa, Sanit Piyapattanakorn, and Shugo Watabe Changes in free amino acid concentrations and associated gene expression profiles in the abdominal muscle of kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus acclimated at different salinities.
J. Exp. Biol., 221, jeb168997. doi:10.1242/jeb.168997 (2018) - 2018 (査読有/英語)
Takehiko Yokoyama, Masaharu Tokuda, Masafumi Amano, Koji Mikami The presence of free D-aspartate in marine macroalgae is restricted to the Sargassaceae family.
Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 82, 268-273 (2018) - 2017 (査読有/英語)
Takehiko Yokoyama, Masaharu Tokuda, Masafumi Amano, Koji Mikami Simultaneous determination of primary and secondary D- and L-amino acids by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography using pre-column derivatization with two-step labelling method.
Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 81, 1681-1686 (2017) - 2016 (査読有/英語)
Masafumi Amano, Noriko Amiya, Takehiko Yokoyama, Kengo Onikubo, Naoyuki Yamamoto, Akiyoshi Takahashi
Immunohistochemical detection of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CHR) in the brain and pituitary of the hagfish, Eptatretus burgeri. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 236, 174-180 (2016) - 2012 (査読無/日本語)
2010年に気仙沼湾で発生したProrocentrum dentatumによる赤潮とマガキ変色の関係について
宮城県水産研究報告 第12号, 41-45 (2012) - 2011 (査読有/英語)
Masafumi Amano, Noriko Amiya, Takehiko Yokoyama, Yoko Takakusaki, Hiroyuki Minakata Development of a time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay for octopus gonadotropin-releasing hormone.
Fish. Sci., 77, 953-959 (2011) - 2011 (査読有/英語)
Takehiko Yokoyama, Masafumi Amano, Masae Sekine, Hiroshi Homma, Masaharu Tokuda, Minoru Sato Immunohistochemical Localization of Endogenous D-Aspartate in the Marine Brown Alga Sargassum fusiforme.
Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 75, 1481-1484 (2011) - 2010 (査読有/英語)
Masafumi Amano, Takehiko Yokoyama, Noriko Amiya, Mineka Hotta, Yoko Takakusaki, Ryusuke Kado, Yoshitaka Oka Biochemical and immunohistochemical analyses of GnRH-like peptides in the nerve ganglion of the chiton, Acanthopleura japonica. Zoological Science, 27, 924-930 (2010) - 2008 (査読無/英語)
Romero MLJ, Lirdwitayaprasit T, Kotaki Y, Lundholm N, Relox JJr, Furio EF, Terada R, Yokoyama T, Kodama M, Fukuyo Y Isolation of ASP Toxin-producing Nitzschia from Thailand
Mar Res Indones, 33, 225-228 (2008) - 2006 (査読有/英語)
Takehiko Yokoyama, Yuma Mimura, Minoru Sato, Eizoh Nagahisa
Purification and some properties of alanine racemase from marine gastropod Cellana grata
Fish. Sci.72, 195-201 (2006) - 2006 (査読有/英語)
Minoru Sato, Zhi Hua Tao, Kazuhiro Shiozaki, Toshiki Nakano, Toshiyasu Yamaguchi, Takehiko Yokoyama, Nobuhiro Kan-No, Eizoh Nagahisa A simple and rapid method for the analysis of fish histamine by paper electrophoresis
Fish. Sci. 72, 889-892 (2006) - 2005 (査読有/英語)
Takehiko Yokoyama, Tanaka Y, Sato M, Kan-no N, Nakano T, Yamaguchi T, Nagahisa E.
Alanine racemase activity in the microalga Thalassiosira sp.
Fish. Sci. 71, 924-930 (2005) - 2004 (査読有/英語)
Kimura T, Nakano T, Yamaguchi T, Sato M, Ogawa T, Muramoto K, Yokoyama T, Kan-no N, Nagahisa E, Janssen F, Grieshaber MK. cDNA Cloning and Molecular Evolution of Opine Dehydrogenases in Some Marine Invertebrates
Mar. Biotechnol. 6, 493-502 (2004) - 2003 (査読有/英語)
Takehiko Yokoyama, Kan-no N, Ogata T, Kotaki Y, Sato M, Nagahisa E.
Presence of free D-amino acids in microalgae. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.67, 388-392 (2003) - 2003 (査読有/日本語)
坂本紘子, 虎田英之, 後藤堅太郎, 中村惠江, 中野俊樹, 山口俊康, 佐藤実, 齋藤忠夫, 谷口旭, 横山雄彦, 菅野信弘, 長久英三.
海産植物プランクトンPorphyridium sp.が産生する多糖類の生物活性と多糖類産生に及ぼす製鋼スラグの添加効果.
鉄と鋼 89, 475-481 (2003). - 2002 (査読有/英語)
Sato M, Tao ZH, Shiozaki K, Nakano T, Yamaguchi Y, Kumagai T, Yokoyama T, Kan-no N, Nagahisa E.
A rapid method for histamine analysis of seafoods by paper electrophoresis.
ITE Letters on Batteries, New Technologies & Medicine 3, 68-70 (2002)