Laboratories and Research Facilities

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  • Laboratory of Skin Science (Mandom)

    キーワード: skincare、transdermal absorption、bioactive substances、aromatherapy

    Realization of skin care technology that makes both skin and mind in a positive state.

    This course aims to create a new drug delivery technology that delivers bioactive substances to the necessary areas with low irritation and high efficiency, and to establish skin evaluation technology.
    We will also apply the findings of brain science and affective engineering to research into fragrances and cosmetics that can help address future issues faced by consumers, such as motivation for living, healthy life expectancy, and stress.

  • Endowed course Pharmacist regional cooperation course

    Keywords: regional cooperation、pharmacist、advanced pharmaceutical management functions cancer、heart failure、and diabetes.

    Specially Appointed Professor:Koichiro Atsuda Specially Appointed Associate Professor:Rumiko Kondo Specially Appointed Assistant Professor:Mika Suguro

    Developing clinical pharmacists with advanced specialized knowledge through regional medical cooperation

    Our goal is to train clinical pharmacists who are required to perform advanced pharmaceutical management functions as indicated in the Vision of Pharmacy for Patients by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. With the full cooperation of Kitasato University Hospital, we have constructed a training system for learning advanced pharmaceutical management functions. We are currently conducting clinical training in three areas: cancer, heart failure, and diabetes. In addition, we aim for trainees to acquire certified pharmacists in each field as a career advancement.

  • Laboratory of Genomics for Health and Longevity

    The Japanese Herbal Medicine Cures the pre-disease state.

    It is an extremely important to improve various pre-disease state caused by aging and other factors through preventive medicine, which will lead to an improvement in the quality of our life. In our laboratory, we are investigating the effects of Japanese herbal medicine on the aging process by using a multi-omics approach that combines biochemical and other test data to examine how Japanese herbal medicine acts at the genetic level.