


三木 剛志(微生物学教室、講師)
Fatty acid homoeostasis tunes flagellar motility by activating phase 2 flagellin expression, contributing to Salmonella gut colonization.
Infect Immun,90(7),e 00184-22(2022)

岩澤 真紀子(医薬品情報学、准教授)
Knowledge and attitudes of pharmacy students toward artificial intelligence and the Chat GPT.
Pharmacy Education, 23(1), 665–675(2023)



浦口 晋平(公衆衛生学教室、講師)
Phytochelatin-mediated metal detoxification pathway is crucial for an organomercurial phenylmercury tolerance in Arabidopsis.
Plant Mol Biol, 109, 563-577,(2022)

山本 大介(医薬品化学教室、講師)
Stereoselective synthesis of the isoxazolidine ring via manganese(iii)-catalysed aminoperoxidation of unactivated alkenes using molecular oxygen in air under ambient conditions.
Green Chem, 24, 7162-7170,(2021)

唐木 文霞(生命薬化学教室、助教)
Identification of a Putative β-Arrestin Superagonist of the Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor (GHSR).
ChemMedChem, 16 (22), 3463-3476(2021)

尾山 実紗(薬理学教室、助教)
Distinct synaptic mechanisms underlying the analgesic Effects of γ-aminobutyric acid transporter subtypes 1 and 3 inhibitors in the spinal dorsal horn.
Pain, 11(1), 163, 334-349(2022)



宮本 哲也(分析化学教室、助教)
Acetylornithine aminotransferase TM1785 performs multiple functions in the hyperthermophile Thermotoga maritima.
FEBS Letters, 595, 2931-2941(2021)

大手 聡(微生物薬品製造学教室、講師)
Monapinone Coupling Enzyme Produces Non-Natural Heterodimers.
Catalysts, 11(8), 1015(2021)

安藤 航(薬物治療Ⅳ教室、助教)
Impact of overlapping risks of type 2 diabetes and obesity on coronavirus disease severity in the United States.
Sci Rep, 11(1), 17968(2021)



嶋田 修之(医薬品化学?講師)
Diboronic acid anhydride-catalyzed direct peptide bond formation enabled by hydroxy-directed dehydrative condensation. Org Lett,22(21),8658-8664(2020)

高根沢 康一(公衆衛生学?准教授)
Intracellular demethylation of methylmercury to inorganic mercury by organomercurial lyase(MerB)strengthens cytotoxicity,
Toxicol Soi,170(2),438-451(2019)