


  • 2019.11.23 (Sat)
Time  Title Symposist
9:30-10:00 Opening
Opening remarks
10:00-10:05   Hirosuke Kobayashi (Chair, Kitasato Institute, Japan)
10:05-10:10   Takashi Gojobori (Vice Chair, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia)
10:10-10:15   Masanori Miyahara (Chair, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency (FRA), Japan)
Session I :  Methods of Aquatic Metagenomic Analysis
  (Chairperson : Takashi Gojobori , KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
10:15-10:40S-I-1 Bioactive compounds from marine-derived microorganisms Hiroshi Tomoda (School of Pharmacy, Kitasato Univserity, Japan)
10:40-11:05S-I-2 High coverage expression profiling (HiCEP) of microbial community genomes in the ocean Koji Hamasaki (Atmosphere and Oceanography Research Institute (AORI), University of Tokyo, Japan)
11:05-11:30S-I-3 Retrospective approach for analysing past dynamics of a bloom-forming alga and its infectious virus Keizo Nagasaki (Faculty of Agriculture and Marine Science, Kochi University, Japan)
11:30-11:55S-I-4 Unveiling the marine RNA virosphere Takuro Nunoura (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan)
11:55-12:20S-I-5 Metagenomic study for hydrogenogenic carbon-monoxide oxidizers as rare biosphere Masao Inoue (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan)
12:20-12:45S-I-6 Environmental DNA (eDNA) approach to predict the existence of parasites and their vectors - In case of schistosomiasis - Kazunari Sei (School of Allied Health Sciences, Kitasato University, Japan)
12:45-14:15  Lunch (Invitation to Kitasato Memorial Museum)
 SL-1Special Lecture (Chairperson : Takehiko Ogata , Kitasato Institute, Japan)
14:15-15:15 Genomics and selective breeding of marine fish Ian A. Johnston (FRSE, Professor of Biology, Scottish Oceans Institute, UK)
Session Ⅱ: Marine Metagenomics : Comparative Study among Different Marine  Environments
(Chairperson : Shugo Watabe, Kitasato University, Japan)
15:15-15:40S-II-1 Seasonal variations of microbial community in the Ofunato Bay, Japan, using shotgun metagenomic analysis Atsushi Kobiyama (School of Marine Biosciences, Kitasato University, Japan)
15:40-16:05S-II-2 Metagenomics-based studies on filter-size fractionated biotic communities in the Ofunato Bay Jonaira Rashid (Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Bangladesh)
16:05-16:30S-II-3 The microbial community dynamics of free-living microbial assemblages in Tama River Nanami Mizusawa (School of Marine Biosciences, Kitasato University, Japan)
16:30-16:55S-II-4 Challenge of marine metagenomics for bioprospecting in the Red Sea Katsuhiko Mineta (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
16:55-17:20S-II-5 Metagenomic analysis of seasonal change of heterotrophic prokaryotic community in the temperatecoastal area: functional insight associated with phytoplankton seasonal succession Kazuho Ikeo (National Institute of Genetics (NIG), Japan)
17:30  Reception Nobuhiro Kan-no (Dean of School of Marine Biosciences, Kitasato University, Japan), Kengo Tanaka (Vice Chair, FRA, Japan)
  • 2019.11.24 (Sun)
Time  Title Symposist
9:30-10:00 Opening
Session III:   Functional Resources and Applications of Aquatic Metagenome
(Chairperson : Kazuhiro Kogur, Vice President, University of the Ryukyus )
10:00-10:25S-III-1 Ultrahigh-density linkage map construction using low-coverage whole-genome sequencing of  doubled haploid population in fish Shuichi Asakawa (Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo, Japan)
10:25-10:50S-III-2 Detecting phytoplankton biodiversity and appearance patterns: toxic and/or morphologically similar species Sirje Sildever (FRA, Japan)
10:50-11:15S-III-3 Recent progress of eukaryotic metabarcoding in Japanese coastal waters Satoshi Nagai (FRA, Japan)
11:15-11:40S-III-4 HaCeD-Seq: a novel method for reliable and easy estimation about the fish population using haplotype count from eDNA Kazutoshi Yoshitake (Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo, Japan)
11:40-12:05S-III-5 The effect of ammonium concentration on bacterial communities in nitrification biofilters Sanit Piyapattanakorn (Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
12:05-13:00  Lunch
13:00-14:20 Poster sessionTakanori Kobayashi (School of Marine Biosciences, Kitasato University, FRA, Japan)
Special Lecture (Chairperson :  Takashi Gojobori , KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
14:30-15:30SL-2Bacterial MethylomesSir Richard J. Roberts (Nobel Laureate, New England Biolabs Inc., Chief Scientific Officer, USA)
Panel Discussion (Moderator :  Shugo Watabe (Kitasato Univerrsity, Japan), Takashi Gojobori (KAUST, Saudi Arabia), Ken-ichi Matsubara (DNA Chip Reserch Inc., Japan)
15:30-16:30PDPerspective of Marine Genome Research
Giorgio Bernardi (Rome 3 University, Italy), Ian A. Johnston (Scottish Oceans Institute, UK), Kazuhiro Kogure (University of the Ryukyus, Japan), Masanori Miyahara (FRA, Japan), Richard J. Roberts (New England BioLab Inc., USA)
Closing Remarks
16:30-16:45   Tomoo Itoh  (President, Kitasato University, Japan)