中村 修
中村 修


  • 体表の防御因子
  • 魚類脂肪組織の免疫学的特性
  • 胎生魚における妊娠成立に関わる免疫因子
  • ナマコの細胞凝集反応の分子メカニズム


4年次生対象卒業論文 海洋生命科学演習



  • 1993年 東京大学大学院農学系研究科博士課程修了 博士(農学)
  • 1994年 宮城県高校教員
  • 1999年 博狗体育在线_狗博体育直播【官方授权网站】@水産学部助手
  • 2000年 同 講師
  • 2009年 同 准教授(後に海洋生命科学部准教授)


  • Iiyama C, Yoneda F, Tsutsumi M, Tsutsui S, Nakamura O (2021) Mannose-binding C-type lectins as defense molecules on the body surface of the sea urchin Pseudocentrotus depressus. Dev Comp Immunol, 116 . 103915
  • Nakamura O, Suzuki R, Asai K, Kaji H, Kaneko T, Takahashi Y, Takahagi A, Tsutsui S. (2020) Transport of maternal transthyretin to the fetus in the viviparous teleost Neoditrema ransonnetii (Perciformes, Embiotocidae). J Comp Physiol B, 190, 231-241.
  • Shibuya K, Tsutsui S, Nakamura O. (2019) Fugu, Takifugu ruberipes, mucus keratins act as defense molecules against fungi. Mol Immunol 116, 1-10.
  • Ono K, Suzuki T.A., Toyoshima Y, Suzuki T, Tsutsui S, Odaka T, Miyadai T, Nakamura O. (2018) SJL-1, a C-type lectin, acts as a surface defense molecule in Japanese sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus. Mol Immunol 97, 63-70.
  • Igarashi K, Matsunaga,R, Hirakawa S, Hosoya S, Suetake H, Kikuchi K, Suzuki Y, Nakamura O, Miyadai T, Tasumi S, Tsutsui S. (2017) Mucosal IgM antibody with D-mannose affinity in fugu Takifugu rubripes is utilized by a monogenean parasite Heterobothrium okamotoi for host recognition. J Immunol 198, 4107-4114.
  • Taguchi M, Tsutsui S, Nakamura O. (2016) Differential count and time-course analysis of the cellular composition of coelomocyte aggregate of the Japanese sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Fish Shellfish Immunol 58, 203-209.
  • Ueda K, Saito E, Iwasaki K, Tsutsui S, Nozawa A, Kikuchi K, Nakamura O (2016) Accumulation of cells expressing macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor gene in the ovary of a pregnant viviparous fish, Neoditrema ransonnetii (Perciformes, Embiotocidae). Fish Shellfish Immunol 50, 223-230.
  • Nakamura O, Watanabe M, Ogawa T, Muramoto K, Ogawa K, Tsutsui S, Kamiya H. (2012) Galectins in the abdominal cavity of conger eel, Conger myriaster, participate in the cellular encapsulation of parasitic nematode by host cells. Fish Shellfish Immunol 33, 780-787.
  • Yokozawa N, Nakamura O, Saito E, Tsutsui S. (2015) Ovarian cavity fluid of the viviparous surfperch Neoditrema ransonnetii suppresses the spontaneous cytotoxic activity of head kidney leucocytes against xenogeneic targets. J Fish Biol 86, 139-147.
  • Nakamura O, Watabe Y, Matsumoto N, Takasugi O, Watanabe A, Tsutsui S. (2014) Localization and possible function of nrF-AGP, an alpha-1-acid glycoprotein-like protein in viviparous fish Neoditrema ransonnetii (Perciformes, Embiotocidae). Fish Physiol Biochem 40, 1907-1915