Community Pharmacy

Community Pharmacy


Welcome to the website of Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences in Community Pharmacy Practice, Division of Clinical Pharmacy, Research and Education Center for Clinical Pharmacy. Our laboratory performs research to further develop ambulatory care pharmacists’ skills and status, to optimize a pharmacotherapy in ambulatory pharmacy practice, to improve collaboration between community pharmacies and medical institutions, and to expand the role of community pharmacists in primary care.

Research Achievements


川上美好, 園部尭仁, 上田祥貴, 吉山友二.
薬学教育, 7 : 239-245(2023)

Implementation and evaluation of a short term overseas training community setting experience for Japanese Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience

Miyoshi Kawakami, Jay D. Currie, Takahito Sonobe, Yuji Yoshiyama..
Pharmacy Education23 (1) :39 - 46 (2023)


兵 行義, 黒野祐一, 清水猛史, 竹内万彦, 森下裕之, 高畑淳子, 竹野幸夫, 橋口一弘, 平野康次郎, 森 繁人, 大木幹文, 吉山友二, 高野 頌, 原渕保明.
日本耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部外科学会会報125 (2) :159-166 (2022)