A new paper accepted in Organometallics

Kouta's paper "Hemisphere and Distance-dependent Steric Analysis of PNN Iron Pincer Complexes using SambVca 2.1 and its Influence on Alkene Hydrosilylation" was accepted in Organometallics. DOI: 10.1021/acs.organomet.0c00512

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This work was supported by the “Development of Innovative Catalytic Processes for Organosilicon Functional Materials” project (PL: K. Sato) from the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).


M1湯尻君の"Hemisphere and Distance-dependent Steric Analysis of PNN Iron Pincer Complexes using SambVca 2.1 and its Influence on Alkene Hydrosilylation"に関する論文がアメリカ化学会の有機金属化学専門誌 Organometallics に受理されました。論文はこちら



