PNN iron complex commercially available now!!

PNN iron pincer complex is now commercially available from Tokyo Chemical Industry (TCI). This air-stable complex exhibits high catalytic activity for C-H borylation of arenes and alkene hydrosilylation.


See our publication for futher details:


- Facile Entry to Iron Complexes Supported by Quinoline-based PNN Pincer Ligand (BCSJ, CSJ website)

C-H borylation of arenes

- Iron-catalyzed Versatile and Efficient C(sp2)-H Borylation (CL, CSJ website)

Alkene hydrosilylation

- Development of Activator-free Iron Pincer Complexes for Alkene Hydrosilylation and Elucidation of its Activation Mechanism (CL, CSJ website)

- Hemisphere and Distance-dependent Steric Analysis of PNN Iron Pincer Complexes using SambVca 2.1 and its Influence on Alkene Hydrosilylation (OM, ACS website)

Product code (TCI): D5886 (link to TCI website)


