Academic Degrees

Academic Degree

 A total of 181 students received their "Master of Infection Control Sciences" or "Master of Life Sicence" through the master's program by 2011.
 A total of 26 students received their "Doctor of Infection Control Sciences" or "Doctor of Life Sicence" through the doctoral program by 2011.

  Infection Control
Immunology course
Drug Discovery Sciences course Total
Master's Program 59 122 181
Doctoral Program 11 15 26

Career Prospects after Receiving Academic Degrees

 Students who have completed courses with degrees at the Graduate School of Infection Control Sciences have the opportunity to work as experts on infection control and drug development in the following fields:

- a manufacturing engineer, the person in charge of development, or a researcher at pharmaceutical, bioengineering, chemical, or food companies
- a researcher or technician at academic research institutes of medical care, health service, biological chemistry, or life sciences
- school personnel at universities, junior colleges, or other academic institutions providing education on life sciences
- a specialist at medical institutions, administrative agencies, international agencies, or other organizations

future course major place of employment
Graduate School/
study abroad
 Kitasato University, Tokyo University, Osaka University,
 University of Pennsylvania ,Colorado State University,
 The Scripps Research Institute. Scripps Florida, etc.
pharmaceutical company
chemical company
 Astellas pharmaceutical inc, Sumitomo chemical co ltd,
 Eiken chemical co ltd, Otsuka pharmaceutical co ltd,
 Takeda pharmaceutical co ltd, Chugai pharmaceutical co ltd, etc.
company?hospital  etc  Toray industries inc, Meiji group, Ajinomoto co inc, Lion co.,
 University of Tsukuba hospital, Kameda medical center,
 Japanese red cross society, etc.

※ random order