


当研究室では、核小体の構造と機能、染色体構造制御を介した遺伝子発現制御機構の解明、シグナル伝達経路の解明を目指し研究を行っています。これらの研究から、がん悪性化の分子基盤の解明に貢献します。また、抗感染症薬の開発も進めています 。


Nuclear reorganization by NPM1-mediated phase separation triggered by adenovirus core protein VII

Genoveso MJ, Okuwaki M, Kato K, Nagata K, Kawaguchi A.
Microbiology Spectrum (2024)Aug20:e0041624
DOI: 10.1128/spectrum.00416-24


Measurement of the intracellular active metabolites of thiopurine drugs to evaluate the enzymatic activity of nudix hydrolase 15 in human blood samples.

Okamoto H, Tanaka Y, Shibagaki Y, Kuronuma S, Miyatani Y, Umeda S, Mishiro-Sato E, Takeuchi O, Hattori S, Kobayashi T, Okuwaki M. 
J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2024 Feb 15;1234:123993. doi:10.1016/j.jchromb.2024.123993. Epub 2024 Jan 18.


A Proteomic Analysis of Detergent-Resistant Membranes in HIV Virological Synapse: The Involvement of Vimentin in CD4 Polarization.

Iida N, Kawahara M, Hirota R, Shibagaki Y, Hattori S, Morikawa Y.
Viruses. 2023 May 28;15(6):1266. doi: 10.3390/v15061266.


The stability of NPM1 oligomers regulated by acidic disordered regions controls the quality of liquid droplets.

Okuwaki M, Ozawa SI, Ebine S, Juichi M, Umeki T, Niioka K, Kikuchi T, Tanaka N.J Biochem. 2023 Oct 31;174(5):461-476. doi: 10.1093/jb/mvad061.


Protective function of the SQSTM1/p62-NEDD4 complex against methylmercury toxicity.

Takanezawa Y, Harada R, Shibagaki Y, Kashiwano Y, Nakamura R, Ohshiro Y, Uraguchi S, Kiyono M..
Biochem Biophys Res Commun.18 (609) :134-140 (2022)

Silencing of SmgGDS, a Novel mTORC1 Inducer That Binds to RHEBs, Inhibits Malignant Mesothelioma Cell Proliferation

Sato T, Mukai S, Ikeda H, Mishiro-Sato E, Akao K, Kobayashi T, Hino O, Shimono W,?Shibagaki Y, Hattori S, Sekido Y..
Mol Cancer Res19 (5) :921-931 (2021)

SET-NUP214 and MLL cooperatively regulate the promoter activity of the HoxA10 gene

Cigdem S, Saito S, Nishikata D, Nagata K,?Okuwaki M..
Genes Cells26 (10) :830-837 (2021)

G-patch domain-containing protein 4 localizes to both the nucleoli and Cajal bodies and regulates cell growth and nucleolar structure

Hirawake-Mogi H, Thanh Nhan NT,?Okuwaki M..
Biochem Biophys Res Commun.25 (559) :99-105 (2021)

The interaction between nucleophosmin/NPM1 and the large ribosomal subunit precursors contribute to maintaining the nucleolar structure

Okuwaki M, Saito S, Hirawake-Mogi H, Nagata K..
Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res.1868 (1) :118879 (2021)

RNA-recognition motifs and glycine and arginine-rich region cooperatively regulate the nucleolar localization of nucleolin

Okuwaki M, Saotome-Nakamura A, Yoshimura M, Saito S, Hirawake-Mogi H, Sekiya T, Nagata K..
J Biochem.169 (1) :87-100 (2021)