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Kitasato University Oriental Medicine Research Center

Ideal & Guiding Principles

Our Ideal

We aim to pursue the heights and breadths of the wisdom of Oriental Medicine to their utmost so that everyone can smile in happiness with the support we provide through Kampo healthcare practice using Kampo medicines, acupuncture and moxibustion.

Our Guiding Principles

  • To put a smile on our patient's face
    We shall provide support that puts a smile on every patient's face by applying Kampo healthcare practice.
  • To leave a legacy of traditional wisdom and to promote progress for future practice
    We shall remain true to the history and tradition of the Kitasato Institute and follow the founding principles of the Kitasato University Oriental Medicine Research Center. Accordingly, we shall be fully aware of our role and responsibility as the standard bearer of Oriental Medicine in Japan. We shall spare no effort in upholding the tradition of Kampo healthcare practice, leaving its legacy and promoting progress and development for the benefit of future generations.
  • To treat both body and mind
    We shall practice and provide total healthcare that treats the whole person, both body and mind as one indivisible entity.
  • To provide total healthcare
    We shall apply the best of both Kampo and contemporary healthcare practices as our two mainstays in our pursuit of better quality in healthcare.
  • To prevent disease
    We shall utilize Kampo healthcare practice not only to treat our patients’ illnesses but to prevent disease.